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Work Experience

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Graduate Research Assistant

Ontario Tech University

September 2022 - April 2024

  • ​Designed, tested, and deployed three robotic guide dog prototypes, incorporating key canine features and emotional expression capabilities to enhance human-robot interaction.

  • ​Explored machine learning algorithms to control and improve emotional expression.

  • Employed neural networks to analyze and optimize design elements for social perception and acceptance of robotic quadrupeds.

  • ​Developed a robotic tail workshop, creating self-designed, 3D-printed elements, conducted three times with 30+ students each session. Secured a patent for the mechanical design in 2024.

  • Collaborated with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) to research and develop accessible technologies. Participated in the Connecting the Dots conference organized by CNIB in its 2022, 2023 and 2024 editions.


Teaching Assistant

Ontario Tech University

September 2022 - April 2024

  • ​Led tutorial sessions and graded assignments for courses including Discrete Mathematics, Operating Systems, Service Robots, and Penetration Testing.

  • ​Provided one-on-one tutoring, simplifying complex concepts and ensuring students' understanding and academic success.

  • ​Enhanced software development skills by debugging complex code and solving real-time issues during practical lab sessions, improving troubleshooting abilities through hands-on problem-solving with various software tools and environments

  • Gained in-depth knowledge of cybersecurity principles and hands-on experience with penetration testing tools and techniques, including vulnerability assessment, network security, and ethical hacking practices.




Graduate Visiting Researcher

Feng Chia University

July 2023 - August 2023

  • ​Successfully integrated hardware components including speakers, microphones, and a Raspberry Pi 4 to develop a functional Alexa smart speaker prototype.

  • ​Identified and solved compatibility issues that had previously hindered the project, troubleshooting and fixing the system.


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Research Assistant 

Zayed University

July 2023 - August 2023

  • ​Designed and developed an educational robotic kit aimed to enhance students' understanding of robotics and programming.



Undergraduate Researcher 

Ontario Tech University

May 2021 - April 2022

  • ​Conducted in-depth research on accessible technologies, analyzing their capabilities and potential applications to enhance user experience.

  • Developed a robotic guide dog prototype with integrated emotional expression capabilities. Collected extensive data through surveys and gathered feedback from leading researchers in the field to improve the prototype's design and functionality.

  • Initiated a four-month online research internship, which successfully transitioned into a formal, on-site research project at Ontario Tech University. Secured a research grant to fund the project's continuation and finance essential machinery, including multiple 3D printers, significantly advancing the project's capabilities and outcomes.




Girl SySTEM Mentorship

2023 - 2024

  • Paired with a mentee and provided mentorship and guidance toward academic success and personal growth in STEM fields. Mentoring efforts resulted in the mentee confidently choosing a career path in STEM and actively researching universities for further studies.
    • Collaborated with the organization to lead a robotic workshop at Ontario Tech University, the impact of the event led to increased student engagement, with students returning and reaching out to various sections of the university for further opportunities.


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